Today’s Wordle Answer #637 – March 18, 2023 Solution And Hints

Wordle puzzle on a smartphone

FP Creative Stock/Shutterstock

Today’s Wordle answer is a word that most people misspell in real life because its letter combination is a tad confusing. For this reason, it might be difficult to crack the code before you run out of attempts. To help, we’ll supply some hints that should bring the answer to mind on time, and you can skip to the second section for the reveal if you prefer to cut to the chase.

The word you’re looking for is a noun that describes a recreational watercraft, but it also doubles as a verb that describes the act of cruising on such a vehicle. It has one vowel, A, as its second letter, and there are no repeated letters. It was a perk of the office of the US President until 1977, and in modern times it’s still a luxury accessible only to the well-to-do. The word rhymes with “squat,” and it’s an eligible competitor for the Jules Verne Trophy.

Sail away, sail away, sail away

ketch sailboat asea


Still unsure? The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle (#637 – March 18, 2023) is yacht. Although the word is more popularly used for describing a large watercraft used for leisurely cruising, it’s an umbrella term for any of various recreational watercraft, according to Merriam-Webster. This means that a ketch, a yawl, a schooner, or a cutter are all varieties that fall under the same general term — yacht.

Yacht is a unique word, both in spelling and pronunciation, so we were particularly interested in learning about its origins. As usual, Etymology supplied the info we needed – the word has roots in Norwegian “jaght” or early Dutch “jaght,” which are both from Middle Low German “jacht,” a shortened form of “jachtschip,” which literally translates as “ship for chasing.”

It was a really lucky day for us — we cracked the code in only three tries, which is one less than the day’s average. Even WordleBot needed four attempts to unriddle the puzzle, and that knowledge significantly increased our satisfaction – it’s a good day any day we beat the Bot at its own game. The key was our opening guessclasp, which dramatically reduced the words in the possible answer pool from the standard 2,315 to just 49! After the second guess, “match,” the answer was clear. We hope you finish just as fast, or even quicker, and if you’re in the mood for more brain teasers, here are other games like Wordle you might like.

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