Tom Gerhardt stands protectively in front of Luke Mockridge!

“Caretaker Krause” star Tom Gerhardt stands in front of Luke Mockridge. He campaigns against prejudice. At the “German Comedy Award”, some comedians took a clear stand against their colleague Luke Mockridge.

Especially the speech by Maren Kroymann caused a stir. But opinions about the allegations against the comedy star are divided. So Tom Gerhardt clearly sided with Luke. He writes clear words on Instagram:

“We all don’t know what was really there and there is no evidence. So it’s a mess to prejudice someone just because the cause is so good “, and:” You can demand ‘consequences for Luke mockridge’ if something is PROVEN. ” ruthless #fair #stay #please. He is already preparing for the subsequent shit storm.

But one thing has to be left to Tom Gerhardt in any case: The de facto presumption of innocence applies.

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