Too large amounts are dangerous !: This is the maximum amount of ginger you can consume

The nose rushes, the stomach pinches, the throat scratches – many people resort to ginger when the first symptoms of a cold appear .

The aromatic spice, which was named Medicinal Plant of the Year 2018 in the past, can also have side effects.

Be careful Overdose of ginger

No question about it: ginger has natural healing properties and can both Boost digestion and strengthen the immune system . Nevertheless, caution is advised with the dosage: The daily dose should two to a maximum of four grams not exceed.

Anyone who subscribes to the following Groups, the tuber should only be consumed in moderation or, better, not at all:

  • People who suffer from heartburn
  • People about to have an operation
  • Women who suffer from menstrual cramps
  • Women in pregnancy

Stomach problems from too much ginger

A Ginger tea after eating can reduce the feeling of fullness and stimulate digestion, but it also ensures that the body produces more stomach acid.

The consequence: heartburn. If you suffer from it more often, you should leave out the tuber or at least only drink a few sips of hot ginger.

Picture gallery: You should always have these home remedies at home

Ginger as a natural blood thinner

If you are about to have an operation or have your period, you should also reduce your consumption of ginger or, better still, do without it completely.

Because the medicinal plant has a blood-thinning effect . This can have dangerous consequences during an operation, and ginger can aggravate menstrual cramps.

Increased risk of labor due to ginger

Because of its labor-inducing effect, women during pregnancy are better advised to eliminate ginger from their diet.

Those who do not care wants to do without, it is best to speak to your doctor in advance.

Conclusion: only enjoy ginger in moderation

For colds and others Using ginger for the first time is not wrong per se – on the contrary.

The medicinal plant can help with many symptoms, but, like other foods, should to be consumed in moderation. Above all, the risk groups mentioned allow one or the other ginger shot better away.

Reading tips

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