Top news of Lviv for October 4

On the street. Banderas opened a new section of the road for travel. Let’s talk about the pace of reconstruction of one of the main transport arteries of Lviv. Sanaviation is returning to Lviv region. The new helicopter was handed over to the disaster medicine medics by the police. And the crematorium will still be in Lviv. The winners of the architectural competition became known. Sofia Troschuk and Vitaliy Kublikov will tell about it.

+ 39

As of October 4, the number of residents of Lviv in which confirmed the diagnosis of coronavirus Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, – 73 277 (+39 for the previous day).

Sadovy warned about the entry of Lviv into the “red zone”

The mayor of Lviv stressed that mostly people who have not had coronavirus and have not been hospitalized in serious conditions are hospitalized. were vaccinated.

Gosgeonadra put up for sale a gas field near Drohobych

The starting price of the auction for the right to produce gas exceeds UAH 100 million

Two women from Lviv were knocked down at a pedestrian crossing near Rudny

Women aged 22 and 60 years were hospitalized.

Opened in Lviv to pass the intersection of st. Bandery – Fedkovycha

The next stage is the opening of the section from Konovalets Street to Antonovych Street. They promise to make this part of the roadway in early November.

Employees of the Lviv City Council will transfer the daily earnings for Victoria Polyuga

Andriy Sadovy called on Lviv residents to join the action to save little Victoria Polyuha from the SMA on October 19 and donate their daily income.

Pfizer, Coronavac and AstraZeneca will be vaccinated this week

In the Lviv region, and in Ukraine in general, the number of patients with coronavirus infection is increasing. Therefore, doctors urge Lviv residents to get vaccinated to save their health and lives.

Three exhibitions in Lviv that are definitely worth seeing

We offer three exhibitions in different museums and galleries – from a memorial exhibition of classics of Lviv graphics to the latest examples of contemporary art.

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