Tost: F1 staff must 'be happy' with 23 races or leave

AlphaTauri team principal Franz Tost believes Formula 1 staff should be happy to work and have 23 races (scheduled for 2022), stating “if someone doesn’t like it, they have to go” .

F1 will announce its provisional calendar for the coming season next Friday and it is expected to feature a record 23 races. This number was already planned for this season, but only 22 will be possible, which remains an achievement.

This will put pressure on the teams and the calendar should include three Grand Prix triplets accordingly.

“We know we have 23 races, that’s fantastic, good work on behalf of F1. I look forward to this calendar, “ launches the Austrian.

“Regarding the staff on the circuit – first of all, we are a racing team, they should all be happy that we have as many races as possible. Of course we take care of our staff, for example the mechanics after a race weekend they have three or four days off where they can stay at home. “

“Also press relations, marketing, all the people in the paddock have three days off after the race weekend. For the engineers, it’s a bit more difficult. But in the old days, they had to leave after a weekend of practice racing. So they also had to work. “

” We should all be happy to be in F1 and have 23 races. If someone doesn’t like it, they have to go. “

Other teams have instead emphasized the need to find a way to help staff negotiate such a long schedule.

Aston Martin F1 team manager Otmar Szafnauer said his team has started running staff and trying to make travel “as comfortable as possible” .

“We’ve been looking at this for some time, knowing it was going to happen. I agree with Franz: it’s good that we have 23 countries or 23 races that want us to come and compete and present Formula 1. However, we have to be mindful of everyone who travels – the mechanics and engineers. – and we have set up operations both at the factory and on the track to make travel as comfortable as possible for them, sometimes including people turnover and other organizational changes at the factory. Yes, we take care of our staff, including any mental health issue. We also have a traveling doctor with us. We take care of them as best we can. “

Finally, for Ferrari sporting director Laurent Mekies , “we are building a program season after season for the racing team in order to stay in the best possible conditions.”

“And you go piece by piece, so you start with the physical aspects, then you go to the nutrition aspect, then we also look at the mental aspects to make sure people have a balance and stay fit and healthy. “

” I think all teams will inevitably spend more and more energy trying to keep their staff in shape for those long schedules. But it’s something that is being embraced very well by everyone involved and I’m sure there will be more steps to be taken in the right direction. “

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