Towing vehicles with ANA and JAL logos are also being verified for sharing of ground handling vehicles at Fukuoka Airport.

Airport , Airport — December 23, 2021 12:40 JST


The Fukuoka International Airport Company (FIAC), which operates Fukuoka Airport, is the future of GSE (Aircraft Ground Support Vehicle) used for ground handling (ground support) operations at airports such as towing cars (tow vehicles) of airplanes. Demonstration experiments for shared sharing are being conducted until December 29th.

Grahan’s nationwide labor shortage is an urgent issue due to the declining birthrate and aging population, but GSE can also be shared and shared by each company. For example, there is a possibility that efficiency will be improved by reducing the total number of vehicles and shortening the travel distance. In addition, it will lead to effective utilization of the limited space in the airport, and it will be easier to respond to the increase in flights after the corona.

ANA at Fukuoka Airport ANA staff loading luggage on 737 using JAL belt loader=December 22, 2009 PHOTO: Tadayuki YOSHIKAWA / Aviation Wire

— Article Summary —

2000 units support the operation

ANA at Fukuoka Airport Towing car with ANA and JAL logos waiting for the departure of 787=December 22, 2009 PHOTO: Tadayuki YOSHIKAWA / Aviation Wire

Not only reducing the number of vehicles and improving efficiency, but also securing space for parking GSE is an issue. “GSE is still full and we cannot increase the number of vehicles required for increased flights, so one of the aims is to prepare for the future by sharing and sharing,” (Mr. Matsuura), aiming to start operation at the end of March 2025. Although the GSE storage area will be improved along with the construction of the second runway (2500 meters), the aim is to establish a system that can respond to the increase in flights by controlling the total number.

For both the international flight in July and the domestic flight this time, we will coordinate with each company and inform the site about 3 months before the start. did. In addition, although FIAC and airlines coordinate which airline’s flight goes to which spot to make it easier to verify GSE sharing, there are cases where it does not go as planned due to delays. For this reason, FIAC has prepared temporary storage areas for GSE at four locations near spots 6, 9, 12, and 13.

In the process of preparation, among various GSEs, which vehicle can be shared and how many vehicles can be shared? It took time to summarize whether it could be operated. Regarding the schedule after the verification within the year, Mr. Matsuura said, “I would like to set the direction within the year from the beginning of the year,” and he said that he would like to identify issues on domestic flights and decide on plans for the next year and beyond.

Towing car with ANA and JAL logos waiting for ANA 787 departure at Fukuoka Airport=December 22, 2009 PHOTO: Tadayuki YOSHIKAWA / Aviation Wire

ANA and JAL have been leading some GSEs on domestic flights before the demonstration test in July. We are starting to share. Currently, each company owns a GSE, but in the future, it is also considering sharing a jointly owned or third-party owned GSE.

Fukuoka Airport was privatized on April 1, 2019, before Corona. FIAC is aiming to become the top airport in East Asia with the goal of doubling the number of routes to 100 routes by 2048 in the plan at that time. Sharing and sharing of GSE not only improves efficiency and safety, but also seems to be effective in building a reception system for increasing flights after the corona by effectively utilizing the limited space.

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