Train epidemic prevention will not relax during the long period of National Day


The train attendant Hu Jingjing (first from the right) and the attendant inspect the epidemic prevention materials together. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车长李静芬带领乘务员一起做好个人防护,在铁路上海虹桥站等待列车抵达。 殷立勤 摄

Li Jingfen, conductor Lead the flight attendants to take personal protection together and wait for the train to arrive at Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车乘务员王志文正在G1956次列车上,督促旅客全程戴好口罩。 殷立勤 摄

Train attendant Hu Jingjing is on the G1956 train, urging Passengers wear masks throughout the journey. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车长李静芬正在对所有乘务员进行安全码检查。 殷立勤 摄

The conductor Li Jingfen is doing health care for all the flight attendants Code check. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车长李静芬(左一)正在对乘务员进行体温监测。 殷立勤 摄

The conductor Li Jingfen (first from left) is at Monitor the body temperature of the flight attendants. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车乘务员王志文正在列车车门外迎接旅客的到来。 殷立勤 摄

Train attendant Hu Jingjing is outside the train door Greet the arrival of passengers. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车乘务员王志文正在列车车门外迎接旅客的到来。 殷立勤 摄

Train attendant Hu Jingjing is at the train door Greet the arrival of passengers outside. Photo by Yin Liqin

列车员不定时在列车车厢内进行消毒。 殷立勤 摄

The conductor is on the train from time to time Disinfect the compartment. Photo by Yin Liqin

旅客与孩子一起戴着口罩在铁路上海虹桥站等待列车启动。 殷立勤 摄

Passengers with children Wearing a mask at the Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, waiting for the train to start. Photo by Yin Liqin

旅客在铁路上海虹桥站行走。 殷立勤 摄

Passengers on the railway Walk at Shanghai Hongqiao Station. Photo by Yin Liqin

On October 4th, train attendant Hu Jingjing was on the G1956 train, urging passengers to wear masks throughout the journey. On the same day, the passenger flow of Shanghai Railway Station (Shanghai Station, Shanghai South Station, Shanghai Hongqiao Station, Shanghai West Station, Nanxiang North Station, Anting North Station, Anting West Station) continued to remain stable, mainly for short- and medium-distance routes in the Yangtze River Delta. The passenger flow is dominated, and it is expected to send 275,000 passengers. In order to meet the travel needs of passengers, under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the Shanghai Passenger Transport Section of China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. has strengthened the epidemic prevention and control measures of each train. At the same time, it has strengthened the temperature monitoring of the flight attendants, and wear masks and disposable gloves as required. , Protect the face screen, do a good job of personal protection. Each train is equipped with emergency medicine boxes, which are equipped with masks, gloves, goggles, thermometers and other items to meet the needs of normal use and emergency treatment.

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