Transcend Senior Living Consulting Revolutionizes Industry with Storytelling Marketing Approach

Corona, CA, May 18, 2024 –(– At Transcend Senior Living Consulting, the mission is clear – to humanize the senior living sales industry by harnessing the transformative power of storytelling marketing. By emphasizing the uniqueness and individuality of each senior living community, Transcend aims to change the landscape of marketing in this industry through authentic and meaningful connections.

Transcend Senior Living Consulting offers a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of today’s senior living communities. From Sales Director Trainings to Leadership Team Coaching and Lifestyle Program Development, Transcend provides comprehensive solutions that drive success and growth for its clients.

“Our approach at Transcend Senior Living Consulting is founded on the belief that storytelling is the key to creating genuine connections with our audience,” said Daniel Bauer, Founder and CEO. “We are committed to revolutionizing the senior living sales industry by integrating storytelling marketing techniques that resonate with individuals on a personal level.”

Transcend Senior Living Consulting is based in Southern California and serves senior living communities nationwide. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing the senior living industry, the team at Transcend is dedicated to empowering its clients to excel in a competitive market.

Drawing on years of experience and expertise in the field of senior living and gerontology, Daniel Bauer, PhDc leads a team of passionate professionals who are committed to humanizing the senior living sales journey, and dedicated to driving positive change and innovation in the industry.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Daniel Bauer
Founder and CEO
Transcend Senior Living Consulting
Phone: (951) 530-1916

Follow Transcend Senior Living Consulting on social media:
Facebook: @TranscendSeniorLivingConsulting
YouTube: @TranscendSLC
LinkedIn: Transcend Senior Living Consulting

This press release is the embodiment of the visionary mission and values at Transcend Senior Living Consulting. It signals a new era of innovation and human-centric approach in the senior living sales industry, led by the expertise and passion of Daniel Bauer, PhDc and his dedicated team.

Transcend Senior Living Consulting
Daniel Bauer



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