TrueMove H won the title for 6 consecutive years “Best/Best Network in Thailand 2021”, guaranteed by the world-class quality testing institute nPerf.

frame Best quality network in Thailand Internet of the Year 2021 collected 3,500,000 survey results from all nPerf app users between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, ’21, with TrueMove H still winning the award. “Best/Best Network in Thailand 2021” with the highest total score of 74,438, an increase of 5.1% from 63 and lead in 4 test categories including Best Success Rate. 91% Best Latency 29.8 ms Best Browsing Experience 56.5% and Best Streaming Experience 75.4% Reinforcing our commitment to Developing the best network quality for Thai people, making TrueMove H the leader of a better, faster network, the only one that completes all frequencies. To step into a new era together

Mr. Jirachai Kunakorn, Chief Executive Officer Network Operations, True Corporation Plc. said, “Through 2021, most Thais will use the internet more whether they are working from home or working from. Home Online Learning as well as various activities that must be online anywhere, anytime This makes TrueMove H dedicated to improving the quality of the network for the best performance. so that Thai people can use it to their full potential as well as the development of True 5G intelligent network services that make True Move H is the leader of a better, faster, smarter network and the first and only one with the full spectrum of up to 7 frequencies covering 77 provinces across Thailand. As a result, TrueMove H was able to maintain the best/best network in Thailand for 6 consecutive years from 2016 to 2021. The survey results were compiled from users. All nPerf applications in the period between January 1st and December 31st, 2021 amounted to 3,500,000 times, of which TrueMove H received the highest total score of 74,438 points, an increase of 5.1% from 2020 and leading scores in 4 categories. The key tests are 1. Best connection success (Best Success Rate) 91 % 2. Low latency or Latency the best (Best Latency) 29.8 ms 3. Best web quality (Best Browsing Experience) with an average of up to 56.5 % by considering the quality of opening the 5 websites that Thai internet users use the most 4. Best video viewing quality (Best Streaming Experience) with an average of up to 75.4% Considering the quality of watching videos on the YouTube streaming platform, the award for the best / best network in Thailand for 6 consecutive years is a great encouragement for all network team members. We will continue to strive Dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of the network unceasingly To maintain the leadership of the best network in Thailand, faster, faster, the only one that completes all frequencies And to give Thai customers the best communication experience forever”

NPerf is a tool for testing speed (Speed) and quality (Quality. of Service) of the Internet It can test both fixed broadband internet and mobile broadband internet which was developed by a private company in France. It has been in service since 2003. Before it evolved into mobile applications, iOS, Android and Windows are among the most used applications on the market. And has gained trust among telephone operators of various countries around the world by being able to provide detailed test results. Both in terms of download speed (Download Speed), upload (Upload Speed), latency (Latency) and quality of service (Quality of Service) such as the quality of the web (Browsing Test), the quality of video streaming. (Streaming Test) nPerf is one of the most advanced tools in the world today. by the test results, which will have technical values ​​and geographic location The tester’s geo-location is collected on the cloud, and nPerf provides each ISP’s Internet service quality report for users to view. to compare service capabilities by network or region openly The form of Internet quality testing service in this manner In addition to being used as a testing tool for users themselves It is also important information that helps service providers compete to create higher quality services.

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