Twitch confirms it was the victim of a hack


After several hours of uncertainty, Twitch has finally been able to confirm that the alarming reports are true. The live streaming platform was the victim of a hack , which has exposed their source code, encrypted passwords and even private information about the earnings of some of the streamers most popular streamers in the world. Among them are the Spanish Auronplay, Ibai, El Rubius and The Grefg.

“We can confirm that a security breach has occurred. Our teams are working urgently to understand the scope of the situation. We will keep the community informed as soon as we have more details. Thank you for your patience “, they mentioned in their brief statement published in Twitter . Obviously, we are facing a very serious situation in which Twitch must be completely transparent and timely by offering new information. Especially since the hack involves the leakage of users’ private data.

We can confirm that a gap of security. Our teams are working urgently to understand the scope of the situation. We will keep the community informed as soon as we have more details. Thanks for your patience.

– Twitch ES (@TwitchES) October 6, 2021

We can confirm a breach has taken place. Our teams are working with urgency to understand the extent of this. We will update the community as soon as additional information is available. Thank you for bearing with us.

– Twitch (@Twitch) October 6, 2021

The Twitch hack involves a file of 120 GB that continues to circulate on torrent sites. However, it was first published in 4Chan . Among the data it is possible to find the payments received by the streamers most famous of the platform. Auronplay, for example, ranks ninth worldwide, earning just over $ 3 million between August 2019 and October 2021. That is, it is up-to-date with recent information.

But beyond exposing private data, the Twitch hack also allowed the platform’s source code and development tools to be stolen, which is just as concerning. This type of file, in the wrong hands, can become a double-edged sword . Attackers could study the code for vulnerabilities that would allow them to carry out a new attack in the future, to name just one of the possible causes.

Due to the above, it is key that Twitch keep us updated about what happened, how it happened and what is the scope of the hack. In addition, of course, you must respond directly to the streamers affected, because surely they are not happy at all to see that this information is now in the public domain. Without a doubt, this story only gives us its first chapters.

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