UAE: The Security Council spoke with one voice against the terrorist Houthi attacks

Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, said that the Security Council agreed that the missile capabilities used by the Houthis are a clear threat to the international community.

She added during a press conference, Friday evening, that we requested the Security Council meeting today after the heinous Houthi attacks against civilians.

And she continued, that the Security Council spoke with one voice against the Houthi terrorist attacks, which are considered a threat to the international community, and was clear about the international community’s concern over the Houthi activities, and that the militias must be held accountable for their actions.

  • The UN Security Council unanimously condemns the terrorist attacks of the Houthis on the UAE
  • The representative of the United Arab Emirates confirmed The Permanent Representative of the United Nations asserts her country’s right to defend its people against Houthi attacks, noting that all members of the Security Council, as well as more than 100 countries and international organizations, have condemned the Houthi attacks and their violation of international laws.

    She stressed that there is no doubt about who should be held accountable after the Houthi militia admitted to launching attacks on our country.

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