Vaccination lottery, second draw. When it will take place and what documents you need

Loteria vaccinării la a doua extragere. Foto/Profimedia
Vaccination lottery at the second draw. Photo / Profimedia

The second weekly draw at the Vaccination Lottery will take place on Sunday and will be broadcast at 20:50 on the national television station, according to a statement sent on Friday by the Romanian Lottery.

SOURCE: The reality

AUTHOR: Iulian Budușan

The serial numbers from 518.187 to 1.344.170, corresponding to the participants registered until Friday, October 8, at 12:00, participate in this draw. , according to the Competition Regulations, is mentioned in the press release.

At this second weekly draw, 80 prizes of 10,000 lei and a prize of 100,000 lei will be awarded.

The results of the draws will be displayed on the website of the Romanian Lottery, on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism and on the website of the Ministry of Health.

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