Van der Wiel wanted to return to Ajax: 'Unfortunately, no interest from Amsterdam'

Gregory van der Wiel was after his period at Fenerbahçe would like to return to Ajax, as he says at Kick ‘t Net. He wanted to find the joy in football and return to the city in which he grew up, but from Amsterdam there was no interest.

‘It was after my year at Fenerbahçe, I wanted to leave’, that’s how Van der Wiel begins his story. ‘My wife was pregnant. I was threatened by the president in Turkey, so I had to leave there – almost literally – at the risk of my own life.’

‘I wanted to go to Amsterdam’, he continues. ‘I wanted to go back, so that the little one could be born there too. I was picked up for free, but unfortunately there was no interest from Amsterdam.’

After a disappointing end at Paris Saint-Germain and a lesser period in Turkey, it was another blow for Van der Wiel. ‘It was really disappointing for me as an Ajax boy. Why I don’t know and I may never know. But it is how it is. It was the umpteenth blow to football for me.’

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