Vegan Spinach Tortilla: Mouth Health Comes in! (VIDEO)

Veganska tortilja od spanaća

Vegan spinach tortilla is our choice for today’s lunch, and here’s why.

Tortillas have been very popular with us for several years. And thanks to the development of cuisine, today we have many variants. Tortillas are made from corn, spelled, rice or wheat flour. And best of all, they are suitable for experimentation, so almost anything can be added to the dough.

We decided on spinach, because it is rich healthy ingredients and will enrich this dish. In addition to giving energy and vitality, spinach improves eyesight, helps you lose extra pounds and strengthens muscle tone. Also, this vegetable balances blood pressure, is rich in vitamins C and A as well as iron, and strengthens the immune system.

There are a handful of reasons why you should to consume these leafy vegetables as often as possible. And below we present one of the delicious ways to do it.

Vegan spinach tortilla


3 cups spinach 1/4 cup water
2 cups spelled flour
1/2 teaspoon flour

Try and … Vegan lasagna – a magical blend of flavors

Method of preparation:

  1. ) Put the spinach in the sherpa, pour over the water and cook, over a moderate heat, for 4-5 minutes (until the spinach softens).
  2. )

      ) Strain the cooked spinach and put it in a blender. Blend until you get a smooth mixture. Spelta flour and salt mix in a large bowl.

    1. Add the spinach mixture and stir until all the ingredients are combined.,
    2. Pour a little flour on the work surface and roll out the dough.
    3. Separate the balls and roll with a rolling pin until you get a pancake, like a tortilla ).
    4. ) Bake in a pan for a minute to two on medium heat.
    5. You can serve tortillas with your favorite vegan sauce or empty, depending on personal preferences.


    And if it’s easier for you, watch the video below, how these vegan tortillas are made! 500 / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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