Poems by Geraldine Gutiérrez-Wienken

Geraldine Gutiérrez-Wienken | ©Carsten Meltendorf



The story is short. Very short. The silence of nature

is renewed like thirst. It is the least passive. A

parent pitcher. Homeless man. The

sweet in old cabinets. Inquire. They and the

drills. Persephone first. Then two short

whispers. Then more Persephone. First

sweetest. The demand for a meaning. Banality

and thirst. Infinite thirst to count stars. No whereabouts


From the fires in the grass we perceive nothing

or Yes? at the beginning we delayed in calling. Nobody

answered. The grasshopper

made long jumps and got lost in the grass. The branch

dries up with a little noise. Also dry when un-

lighting. They were clues. Movements

At the beginning a hand takes care. The other time ago

contrast. And a forest is born upside down. Or not?


The self-annexing tragedies have gone defenseless

acanthus liabilities under the shadow

a lifetime. The afternoon voice calling to eat

The voice of the malanga. The aquatic voice and its pearl necklace

. In a turquoise box, the story. Short

blunt. An ordinary morning

That annexed day. The brightness of his absence. I want

to be merciful with my objects. And from one

stars are broken and (re)parted.

stars break and they (re)part that life is a dream and

daughters dream of a lifetime. The whole life


If you hear your language on a bus, don’t evade

the rhythm that oppresses us. At this time

at night without a lamp to illuminate

in two thermoses a cloth and a stool

the disaster can be challenged. He


Sadness is bodily. And a

lamp in the middle of the tongue. The sky

split from ginkgo biloba. A

kind of rÍzome / family technique. Perhaps Cartesian cities

impose another rhythm. Of one

the missing to come. The mere story faces and

the language (of)dwells in birds

of paradise and philodendrons. Women

who in the shade sell invisible corsages of

lilies in an amphora from elsewhere

I will be contradicted and I will love to divide myself. In a

double. Foreigner

*The poems offered here are the first five of the collection entitled Silence is a dancer
(Alción Editora, Córdoba, Argentina, 2021). Geraldine Gutiérrez-Wienken (1966) is a poet and translator. She is resident in Germany.

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