Vidal pointed out against Máximo Kirchner: “the proposal of the ruling party is to give plans”

The candidate for national deputy for the City of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal , responded this Friday to Máximo Kirchner, who had questioned the change of jurisdiction of the member of Juntos por el Cambio for the legislative elections.

“When he had to raise his voice inside his government because the humble could not take it any more, he kept his mouth shut, said: ‘Yes, Mauricio’, and broke for the city of Buenos Aires, “the deputy from the Frente de Todos said during an act.

In this context, Vidal was not silent and defended the management of his government in the province of Buenos Aires. “The best response in politics is what one does,” he said in dialogue with Radio Rivadavia.

“Buenos Aires know what we did in health matters. Today They have ambulances, which were surely very important to treat patients with covid, when there were none before. They know that the guards of all public hospitals were made anew and equipped during my government or that we put in value and built more than 200 primary care centers in the poorest neighborhoods, “he remarked.

The candidate also explained the reasons for her jump to Buenos Aires territory. “I fight where I think it should be. The great choice we made in Buenos Aires and throughout the country where nine million people, without buses or flags, elected Together for Change, gave us a task: to build a majority “.

” In the city of Buenos Aires we are missing two deputies to build a majority that allows us to say enough to the abuses of this Government and stop the madness in Congress. And also to start fighting against the problems that they came to fix and got worse. Today, there is 40% of poverty “, he completed.

By On the other hand, Vidal again questioned the national government and referred to the social plans. “All the people who were in yesterday’s act of the social movements receive a plan. I don’t know if they all chose to go. That is the proposal that Kirchnerism makes to them. Our proposal is different: we want to give work,” he remarked.

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