VIDEO: Chopper Carrying General Francis Ogolla’s Body Lands in Kisumu

Francis Ogolla: Chopper Carrying Chief of Defence's Body Lands in Kisumu, Burial Plans Underway

  • Chief of Defence Forces General Francis Ogolla wished to be buried without a coffin at his rural home in Siaya
  • Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua arrived at the Kisumu International Airport to receive the body ahead of the procession to the rural home
  • General Ogolla tragically passed away on Thursday, April 18, along with nine high-ranking Kenya Defence Forces officers in a helicopter crash

Nancy Odindo, a journalist at, brings more than three years of experience covering politics, news, and feature stories across digital and print media in Kenya.

General Francis Ogolla, the Chief of Defence Forces, will be laid to rest at his home in Ng’iya village in the Alego-Usonga Constituency per his wishes.

Francis Ogolla. He died in a plane crash in Elgeyo-Marakwet.
General Francis Ogolla (l) will be buried at his rural home in Ng’iya village in Siaya county. Plane carrying his remains (r). Photo: Luis Tato/NTV.
Source: Getty Images

He had requested in his will that his family lay him to rest within 72 hours of his passing.

As per his wishes, General Ogolla will be buried without a coffin. His son, Joel Rabuku, confirmed that his father will be wrapped in sheets for the burial.

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Ogolla tragically passed away on Thursday, April 18, along with nine high-ranking Kenya Defence Forces officers in a helicopter crash in the Kaben area of Elgeyo Marakwet.

On Saturday, April 17, the nation held a memorial for the late Chief of Defence Forces, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, President William Ruto, with a program coordinated by military officials.

General Francis Ogolla’s body arrives in Kisumu

Prior to his burial, a helicopter transported his body to Kisumu International Airport before it is transported to Senator Obama Primary School, where the burial ceremony will be held.

Senior government officials including Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua have also arrived at the airport to receive the body, ahead of the procession to the rural home.

His family members also arrived at the venue before their kin.

Meanwhile, preparations are underway at his home, with the military organising the necessary arrangements for a dignified burial.

William Ruto mourns General Ogolla, nine others

President Ruto said that the news about the demise of the KDF soldiers was harrowing and tragic to him and the entire nation.

He noted that the 12 who onboarded the ill-fated helicopter were on a mission to inspect the ongoing renovation of schools in the North Rift region ahead of school reopening.

He urged the country to participate in a three-day mourning of General Ogolla and the other nine fallen soldiers.

What else you need to know about General Ogolla’s death

Proofreading by Jackson Otukho, a multimedia journalist and copy editor at


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