Video: Snoop Dogg Amazed By Reds’ Elly De La Cruz in Viral MLB Broadcast Commentary

Timothy LogoFeatured Columnist IVJune 15, 2024

CINCINNATI, OHIO - JUNE 09: Elly De La Cruz #44 of the Cincinnati Reds walks out of the dugout during a baseball game against the Chicago Cubs at Great American Ball Park on June 09, 2024 in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Photo by Jeff Dean/Getty Images)

Jeff Dean/Getty Images

Elly De La Cruz is one of MLB’s most impressive young players. Just ask Snoop Dogg.

The legendary hip-hop artist was in the broadcast booth during a matchup between the Cincinnati Reds and Milwaukee Brewers and couldn’t believe the athleticism and arm strength De La Cruz showed off while fielding his position:


Snoop Dogg is AMAZED by Elly De La Cruz 👀

Snoop Dogg, who was in Milwaukee to throw out the first pitch, was wildly entertaining during his time broadcasting Saturday’s matchup:

Milwaukee Brewers @Brewers

One, two, three to the four…@SnoopDogg is at your door 🎤

97.3 The Game @TheGameMKE

The first pitch thrown by the one and only…@SnoopDogg.

Milwaukee Brewers @Brewers

Here is 2:34 of @SnoopDogg broadcasting baseball…

You’re welcome

Not a bad first pitch from Snoop. And a hell of a performance in the booth.

As for De La Cruz, the 22-year-old is hitting .232 this season with 11 homers, 30 RBI, 43 runs, a .749 OPS and an MLB-leading 34 stolen bases. Consistency has been an issue, as he also leads the big leagues with 92 strikeouts, but his upside and star power is undeniable.

If you have Snoop Dogg singing your praises, you know you’re on the right track.

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