VIDEO: The extraterrestrial passing blow of Grigor Dimitrov, which amazed everyone

ВИДЕО: Извънземният минаващ удар на Григор Димитров, с който изуми всички

Photo: Getty Images

04 Oct 2021, 22:28 ВИДЕО: Извънземният минаващ удар на Григор Димитров, с който изуми всички 4123

The best Bulgarian tennis player Grigor Dimitrov once again proved that it has a rich arsenal of punches on the court. The Bulgarian regularly participates in great games in his matches, as many consider his game to be one of the most beautiful in modern tennis.

This is evident in the match with Casper Ruud, in which Grigor played at height, but in important moments the Norwegian prevailed and won the match. In the third set, Grigor led with a 3: 2 game, and Ruud served to equalize the score. At the opening point of the game, the Bulgarian created a great passing shot, which delighted everyone, including the ATP.

Grigor made an incredible passing backhand shot, which left Ruud without the opportunity to react to the net. The point gave an advance to Grigor in the service game of the Norwegian, and ATP did not fail to show his brilliant touch, which you can see HERE .

  • And what Casper Ruud said to Grigor Dimitrov, read in this article!

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