Viliam works as a bus driver in Austria: Salary is up to three times here, but in Slovakia people are much nicer

The work of a bus driver today may seem like an outdated profession, which is usually pursued by those born earlier. An exception that confirms the rule is the young Slovak Viliam, who, after his experience in gastronomy, decided to get behind the wheel of a bus.

As Vilo describes in our interview, today there is a very wide range of opportunities for high school graduates to work abroad. Over the years, the 26-year-old graduate of the Hotel Academy has gone from working as a chef in Italy to driving a bus in Austria, which he describes as a great life experience.

In the interview with Viliam you can also read:

  • Why in the past he exchanged work in a restaurant for driving a bus
  • What one has to do to be able to transport people on the bus
  • What passengers did he meet while working in Slovakia
  • Whether the financial side also brought him to Austria
  • What differences does he see in the approach of the employer in our country and abroad
  • What does his employer look like? working regime
  • Why is a bus driver’s job perceived as an “obsolete profession”

After graduating from a vocational high school, more people will have the opportunity to go abroad to work. Did you have the same?

I would say that today everyone has the opportunity to go abroad, there are really many possibilities. Then it’s up to each individual to decide. Personally, I had great opportunities and my dream was Italy. I was mainly motivated by the period when I worked in an Italian restaurant in Prešov during my high school studies. Many foreign guests went there and also various Slovak cream parties. We used there with Italian ingredients and we made mostly Italian recipes.

Photo: Viliam Remeta-Adamko (archive)

To however, he gained the experience of a professional driver only after his experience in foreign gastronomy. What led you to this rather significant change of focus, when gastronomy is also a well-paid sector?

It is true that gastronomy is also a well-paid sector. However, my reason for the change was that I worked in gastronomy for almost 6 years. During that time, I worked in almost all positions, from the dishwasher, through the waiter, the chef to the position of chef.

Since I already spoke a much better language, I thought that I could take advantage of this and I can make money more easily. The work of a chef or chef is a beautiful job, but it is hard work. There is a lot of stress and you need to work hard. I said to myself that money can be made quasi more easily. So I started looking for different options, but especially for something I would enjoy, it was less stressful and made more or at least as much money.

When did you first think of going as a bus driver?

Actually, I still had it in my head. My father and his godfather also motivated me to do so. I basically grew up behind the wheel. My father has been working as a bus driver for more than 20 years, as well as baptized. I liked the profession, I saw what it entailed and what it was about. Someone’s general driving gets on their nerves, but I’ve always enjoyed it.

Photo: Viliam Remeta-Adamko (archive)

I decided to try something else. I knew I wanted to drive and I would see how I found myself. I told myself I was young and I wouldn’t lose anything. On the contrary, I can only win. So I went to a driving school course, where I took exams for both category C (trucks, note) and D (bus, note).

Did you start working as a driver in Slovakia? What are the conditions for practicing this profession? Is it “only” a driver’s license?

I started working as a bus driver in Slovakia. After I finished my exams, I started working for SAD Prešov. I gained experience from my father but also from other colleagues who trained me. I immediately found out that this was the job I wanted to do. The driver’s work is not difficult, but it is very responsible. When I compare it to the work of truckers, one does not drive alone. You have to be extremely responsible

When someone wants to start as a bus driver, it is not enough to just have a driver’s license. Additional money is paid for psychotests, a tacho card, a qualification card and also a medical examination. When you have all this and you are qualified, then you can get behind the wheel of a bus and start driving.

It’s different everywhere, it depends on the company and also on the specific person. However, the system is also different between the east of Slovakia and, for example, Bratislava. In the east of Slovakia, for example, my working hours did not suit me. Although you work for two days and then there are two days off, you usually start in the morning and end around midnight. It bears its toll, but you can get used to it.

Photo: Viliam Remeta-Adamko (archive)

The conditions concerning buses are weaker in Slovakia than abroad. Other things, such as driver comfort, automatic transmissions and others, are a matter of course abroad. In Slovakia, however, you often don’t see it in suburban lines. However, we do not have all vehicles with an automatic transmission in Austria either, there are also those with a manual transmission.

What are Slovak passengers like? Did you have to deal with any unpleasant situations?

I would evaluate Slovak passengers as well-behaved and decent. However, there are also those who make a mess or are drunk. But as for us Slovaks, I had no problems with them. Today’s young generation in Slovakia are such “calves”, without greetings or thanks. As a driver, you come in contact with every type of person. It probably depends on the upbringing of each of us.

I had some inconveniences with drunken passengers who did not have a ticket. However, we professional drivers must not be provoked. It is best to ask the person to come out, if that doesn’t help, the police should be called and they will work it out. It’s not a shame, it’s about not hurting yourself unnecessarily.

On the contrary, the Austrians are quite cold, very conservative. We are not used to this in Slovakia, or, for example, in my experience in Italy

Why did you decide to go to Austria for this job?

I decided to go to Austria also because I was sorry to lose my experience of the German language. Since I have been working abroad since I was 18, I was used to a different salary, which also motivated me to leave.

stricter requirements than in our country?

I would not say that there are higher requirements in Austria. Maybe if the dress code, but this also applies in Slovakia. Companies care about the driver acting well. Accuracy requirements are also addressed. Early departures are punishable by a fine. Delays of about 3-4 minutes are allowed, but sometimes in the winter it happens that you are 30 minutes late, then people do not manage to get to work, but the driver will not be greatly affected. You have to go responsibly and safely so that the passengers get healthy and well from point A to point B.

The state of health and other qualifications are also checked. When I applied for a job here, it was necessary to have everything translated into German with an official stamp from the translator.

What does your daily work schedule look like?

It’s different every day. Not a day is the same. Every day, or two days before the shift, I get a work plan plan for how I’m going to work. Every plan starts differently. For example, one day you start at 12:00 and end the evening at 19:00. However, there are also plans when I start at 3:00 at night and end at 13:00. It takes care of rest, driving time, etc.

Photo: Viliam Remeta-Adamko (archive)

I’ll come to work according to plan, it’s always 15 minutes earlier, and I have to check the bus technically. I work near the city of Graz, so I am preparing a bus to go directly to the city. The lines and roads are usually very narrow, so you have to be very careful.

However, thanks to this, I have gained a lot of experience. During the winter, I had to throw chains on the bus. As for the time after the shift, if the tank is below 3/4, the bus needs to be refueled.

How would you compare the difference between the approach of the employer in Austria and Slovakia?

The employer’s approach is individual. I can’t say one bad word about a Slovak employer. I work in a state-owned company in Austria and I can’t complain either, everything is fine. However, I did not work in the private sector. However, both the father and the godfather did, and they had different experiences, even unpleasant ones.

What about the salary compared to Slovakia and Austria?

Salary is a very individual thing. Overtime, holidays, surcharges, rewards, diets, it all depends on the amount of detail. In Slovakia you can earn 1,000 – 1,200 euros, in Austria it is even two or three times as much. But as I say, it depends on how much you are able and willing to earn. It is completely different in Switzerland, where the driver can earn up to 6,000 euros

To what extent is there a duty to speak a foreign language in this profession?

As far as knowledge of a foreign language is concerned, in my case German, this is required at a fairly high level. There are various trainings that are in German, so you have to know what you are listening to. Also, that communication with the passenger must be in order, so the language needs to be mastered. Other languages ​​are just a plus. I also remember something from Italian that has helped me with foreign travelers in the past.

Photo: Viliam Remeta-Adamko (archive)

If one does not know the language, I think it is useless to apply for the position of bus driver. In the beginning, there are also moments when you ask the locals where to actually go, because you don’t have that way so well remembered yet.

In Slovakia There are also cases where a driver on a bus full of people drives under the influence of alcohol. What about this issue in Austria?

Alcohol behind the wheel is a separate chapter. In my opinion, these are not professional drivers. Drivers will not allow it in Austria. There are harsh penalties for this and it is questionable whether the person in question will ever drive after such a problem. I’ve never had alcohol control here. But from what I’ve heard, tour buses are usually checked, not suburban lines. for older gentlemen… But you are also an example that this is not the case…

I do not know if I would categorize it like this. Sometimes it was easier to get a bus driver’s license. I was the youngest in Bardejov, where I started. I wouldn’t say that people perceive it so outdated. It is also about the fact that in Slovakia it is more difficult to earn money at a young age all necessary licenses. The whole thing cost me EUR 3 500.

Photo: Viliam Remeta-Adamko (archive)

It’s expensive, sometimes it wasn’t like that . I think that is the reason why there are few young bus drivers in Slovakia. In a similar salary, a young person can also go to the construction site, work and have peace of mind. Although I don’t have the experience to evaluate it this way, I have seen and see how a professional driver should drive and drive a bus.

See also:

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