#beautytips: What do you always have to have in your kit?

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Here’s what you always have to have in your kit.

Every woman carries a travel bag in her bag, full of makeup and cosmetics. And the fact is that we rarely use all those make-up products. And the even bigger fact is that many of the tig products have expired.

It’s time to peek into your cosmetic bag, throw away all the expired products and start wearing only what is necessary. And here are the products in question.

What you must always have in your kit

Loose powder

In addition to giving you a natural look, you also have mirrors in the package, so you don’t have to wear one in particular. Economical, isn’t it?

Read also… You’ve crossed thirty? Get this out of the kit!


Always carry mascara with you, when you need to refresh the look before for example important business meeting or going to lunch after work.

Hand cream

This is especially important during the cold months, when the skin on your hands dries and cracks faster.


The balm will make your lips soft and well-groomed, and in addition, if you choose one in color, in an instant you will transform your look.

Fragrant oil

Instead of perfume, carry scented oil in your kit. In addition to taking up little space, this oil will refresh you in an instant.

Hairpins and hair bands

Of course, it goes without saying that we will always have this in a travel bag, in case of a bad hair day.

lepotaizdravlje.rs eternalcreative / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

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