vivo dominates Chinese smartphone market, Huawei rises while Apple falls

In the fourth quarter of last year (October to December), vivo ruled the Chinese smartphone market, with 13.2 million units shipped and a 17.6% market share. vivo’s sales grew 14.8% compared to Q4 2023.

Apple was in second with 13 million shipments and 17.3% of the pie, but its shipments fell 7.1% year-on-year (YoY), while third-place Huawei almost overtook it. Huawei shipped 12.7 million units in Q4, had a 16.9% market share, and grew 14.4% YoY.

vivo dominates Chinese smartphone market, Huawei rises while Apple falls

It was Xiaomi that saw the biggest growth compared to a year ago, at 29.5%. Xiaomi shipped 12.3 million units for a 16.4% market share. It’s followed by Oppo and Honor both with 10.5 million shipments and 14% market share, but while Oppo rose 7.1%, Honor dropped 13.2%.

The full market in Q4 2024 was at 75 million smartphone shipments, growing 5.3% YoY. This was the market’s fourth consecutive quarter showing YoY growth. For the full year 2024, shipments were 271.4 million, up 3.7% compared to 2023. With the introduction of smartphone subsidies this year, the growth should continue.

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