Voting for Australian phase of Khalistan Referendum on Jan 29: SFJ

Thousands of Sikhs came out for the Khalistan Referendum. — Photo by author
Thousands of Sikhs came out for the Khalistan Referendum. — Photo by author

MELBOURNE: Voting for the Australian Phase of the Punjab Independence Referendum will be held on January 29, 2023, to provide local Sikhs with an opportunity to show solidarity with the movement and condemn the Indian government-backed genocide of the Sikh nation in 1984

It was announced by the Secessionist pro-Khalistan group Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) after the successful completion of the Canadian phase of the referendum.

Terming the ongoing global Khalistan Referendum as the last battle to ‘Kill the Indian Hindutva System’, which is responsible for the ‘Sikh Genocide’, and to ‘Liberate Punjab’, the SFJ said Sikhs in Australia would get a chance to have their say on the future of Khalistan and their free will to live as a free Sikh nation.

“Khalistan Referendum Voting Centre in Melbourne has been dedicated to Shaheed Satwant Singh and Shaheed Kehar Singh — the assassins of Indira Gandhi who were hanged on January 6, 1989 in Tihar Jail Delhi,” said Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, Attorney at Law (New York) and General Counsel to SFJ in a statement.

On October 31, 1984, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by Shaheed Beant Singh and Shaheed Satwant Singh for ordering Operation Bluestar — the military attack at the Sri Harmandir Sahib, resulting in the desecration of Sri Akal Takht Sahib and massacre of 10,000+ Sikh pilgrims in June 1984.

“In the wake of Indira Gandhi’s assassination, more than 30,000 Sikhs were targeted and killed, women raped and Gurdwaras burnt across India by the Hindu mobs with the active connivance of the administration during the first of week of November, 1984,” Pannun said.

“To date, none of the known Hindu leaders, who led death squads during November 1984 for Sikh Genocide have been convicted. We are dedicating the Australian phase of Khalistan Referendum to our hero Sikh martyrs.”

From London, UK, where the Khalistan Referendum Voting started on October 31, 2021, so far more than 600,000+ Sikhs have voted in the polling held in Geneva, Milan, Rome, and Toronto.

The global voting in Khalistan Referendum is being held under the supervision of the Punjab Referendum Commission – a nonaligned panel of experts on Director Democracy and Secessionist Referendums.

Canadian Khalistan Referendum voting

Despite vocal protest by Narendra Modi’s government and fierce opposition from Canadian Hindutva groups, in a massive turn out more than 75,000 Canadian Sikhs voted in Khalistan Referendum Phase II in Mississauga, for the secession of Punjab from India to create an independent Sikh homeland.

While the voting opened at 9am under the supervision of the Punjab Referendum Commission (PRC), Sikh men and women from Greater Toronto Area (GTA) lined up at 6am to cast their votes at the Paul Coffee Arena, Mississauga, a Canadian Government owned and operated facility.

The November 6 Khalistan Referendum voting drew a counter-protest by a handful of Canadian Hindus who carried Hindutva symbols and were sloganeering that under Modi’s leadership they will make India a “Hindu Country”.

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