Wales issue triple injury update after France defeat as player devastated

Warren Gatland has admitted both Owen Watkin and Aaron Wainwright “don’t look brilliant” after they suffered injuries against France.

Both men were forced off in the first half an hour of the 43-0 defeat, with Wainwright leaving the field with a bloodied face in the opening minutes before Watkin suffered what looked like a serious knee injury.

The Ospreys centre looked devastated as he was helped off the field, and having returned at the full-time whistle on crutches, his season seemingly over.

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Addressing the media after the defeat at the Stade de France, Gatland said both player would require further assessment, but admitted the outlook was not great with a massive match against Italy in Rome lying in store next weekend.

“We have to get them assessed,” said the Wales coach. “They both don’t look brilliant at the moment.

“Owen’s in a brace with his knee so it looks like it could be an ACL and Aaron needs another head injury assessment. He’s got quite a nasty gash on his face, down through his lip.”

While the rest of the side came through unscathed, Gatland also revealed that Liam Williams had been struggling with a knee problem prior to the Six Nations opener.

“Liam’s had a little bit of an issue with his knee,” he said. “You could see him hobbling a few times this evening. It was a shame that we lost Owen so early, we may have looked at making a change there and then.”

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