Watch .. “The Matar Child”: I am so excited to go back to school and see my friends and teachers

Prior to “Al Baraem”’s return to attendance studies

With the innocence of childhood, “Mohammed Al-Matrafi”, a student in the first grade of primary school, addressed beautiful words to his colleagues and his teachers, during which he saluted them, and expressed his feelings of joy and happiness at the return of the study in his presence. Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. I long for you and to see you in the school and the teachers, and see you well.”

This clip coincides with the Ministry of Education’s announcement of the completion of all preparations to receive primary schools in the regions of the Kingdom For the return of male and female students in the primary stage next Sunday, as the decision of the Ministry of Education is in line with the recommendations of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which stipulated that the decision to re-study in attendance for primary and kindergarten students, starting from January 23, is consistent with reports and studies warning of the continued closure of schools , and children’s learning has been disrupted due to the “Corona” pandemic. Ministry of Education KO RONA

New Corona Virus Corona vaccine

) January 21, 2022 – Jumada al-Thani 18 1443

01:54 AM

before “Al Baraem” returns to the public study

Watch .. “Al-Matrafi Child”: I am very excited about going back to school and seeing my friends and teachers

With the innocence of childhood, “Mohammed Al-Matrafi”, a student in the first grade of primary school, addressed beautiful words to his colleagues and his teachers, during which he saluted them, and expressed his feelings of joy and happiness at the return of the study in his presence. Peace and mercy of God And with its blessings, I am longing for you and to see you at the school and the teachers, and we see you well.” Primary school next Sunday, as the decision of the Ministry of Education is in line with the recommendations of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which stipulated that the decision to re-study in person for primary and kindergarten students, starting from January 23, is consistent with reports and studies warning of the continued closure of schools, and the disruption of children’s learning Because of the “Corona” pandemic.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership, ownership or ownership of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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