“We are creating God”, says ex-Google on artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the subject of films and literature, on the other hand, the digital market has enjoyed all the benefits of this technology, but it still scares many people.

Former leader of X, a division of Alphabet (owner of Google), Mo Gawdat, believes that the pessimistic predictions of science fiction can come true.

Gawdat quit his post as artificial intelligence researcher when he realized that she would “destroy the world”. The former executive became a speaker and writer of the best-seller “The Formula of Happiness”.

The apocalypse

Now, in an interview with British newspaper The Times, he claimed that AI researchers “are creating God” and that “singularity is coming”, meaning that technologies are reaching the point of surpassing human intelligence.

When Gawdat was working with AI on Google X they would build robotic arms to find a small ball and catch it. After a slow progression, one arm grabbed a ball and held it out to the researchers, for him, it was a moment of “show.”

“And suddenly I realized that this is really scary. It froze me completely”, he said.

Today, the professional believes that an AI capable of feeling and thinking on its own as “The Terminator” is “inevitable” and this could put the humanity in the face of an apocalypse.

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