[Webinar] Cloud Server & cloud-enabled applications for businesses to accelerate business development 2022

Gartner’s forecast also shows that total spending on Public Cloud services (services provided by cloud providers) increased by 21.7% year-on-year, will reach about $482 billion by 2022. The fastest growing sectors are infrastructure services (IaaS, up 32.9% to $122 billion) – including popular services like Cloud Server, Desktop as a service (DaaS, up 30.4% to $2.7 billion) and application infrastructure services (PaaS, up 25.8% to $101 billion).

It can be affirmed that the cloud is constantly growing and developing on many fronts. So how is the actual market developing, and what do we need to do to quickly and effectively apply cloud computing to businesses. First, let’s refer to the research results of analysts to clarify the picture of cloud-based digital transformation. There are four stages of “more and more robust” cloud adoption defined:

– Infrastructure as a service – infrastructure as a service – IaaS, only pay for the services actually used;

– Integrate flexible forms of cloud service payment (can support both credit cards) credit);

– The modern enterprise movement uses the cloud as the default model for applications, computing, and network infrastructure;

– The future becomes the default technology infrastructure when businesses transform their business.

Cloud Server & applications that support cloud computing for businesses to accelerate business development 2022 – Photo 1.” data-original=”https://channel.mediacdn.vn/2022/1/24 /photo-1-16430157081871560917315.jpg” h=”1250″ height=”” id=”img_1fa440e0-7cf6-11ec-9492-41a992254818″ photoid=”1fa440e0-7cf6-11ec-9492-41a992254818″ rel=”lightbox” src=”https://indexofnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/01/newsomatic/photo-1-16430157081871560917315.jpg” title=” Cloud Server & cloud-enabled applications for businesses to accelerate business development 2022 – Photo 1.” type=”photo” w=”1875″ width=””>

So the trend only tends to develop more day by day for sure. Most are in phase one and two and are slowly pushing towards phase three. Cloud applications for businesses should usually be done step by step, starting with the cloudization of computer systems, physical devices hardware management in the enterprise with Cloud Server virtual server service.

Besides owning all the advantages of Cloud computing, it can be mentioned that there is no need to invest in machinery infrastructure, no wasted payment for unused resources, no need to spend time managing, buying or increasing the amount of hardware easily, extremely quickly, large storage capacity, … translation trends Moving to Cloud Server in the last 2 years has also increased sharply because of obvious advantages in helping businesses continue operate uninterrupted and create a highly efficient remote working environment to overcome the pandemic.

In periods where up to 42% of employees have switched to working from home full-time, for businesses that are not set up to work remotely, this is a nightmare situation. However, for those businesses that are already connected to the cloud, it provides a smooth transition. This is why.

When businesses store both data and applications, work programs in the cloud, employees can access both from anywhere place. They just need an internet connection. This opens up a much more flexible working setup. This fundamental and core benefit is the “game changing” that helps businesses turn the tide in the most difficult times.

With experience in support Moving computing infrastructure, consulting solutions, providing IaaS services including Cloud Server for many businesses, including large enterprises such as: SSI Securities, VNDirect, Thu Cuc Hospital, Ahamove Delivery Application , Dat Xanh Mien Bac,… and more than 3000 SMEs, Bizfly Cloud in Bizfly Expert Talk #23 will share more specifically about:

– Advantages of applying cloud computing to SMEs

– Advantages of applying cloud computing to SMEs

– Methods applied to cloud computing to optimize business operation

Cloud Server & cloud-enabled applications for businesses to accelerate business development 2022 – Photo 2.” data-original=”https://channel.mediacdn.vn/2022/1/24 /photo-1-1643015710923985609912.jpg” h=”1001″ height=”” id=”img_2115d240-7cf6-11ec-abd6-ad1e21bbc697″ photoid=”2115d240-7cf6-11ec-abd6-ad1e21bbc697″ rel=”lightbox” src=”https://indexofnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/01/newsomatic/photo-1-1643015710923985609912.jpg” title=” Cloud Server & applications that support cloud computing for businesses to accelerate business development 2022 – Photo 2.” type=”photo” w=”1500″ width=””>

Readers interested in the event can find out more details and register at : https://bizflycloud.vn/event-23

Come to Bizfly Expert Talk #23, in addition to the actual sharing, readers will receive an e-voucher to use all cloud services provided by Cloud worth 500K!

Bizfly Cloud – Top 4 IT Cloud infrastructure providers in Vietnam!

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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