What Ariana Grande Is Asking for in Dalton Gomez Divorce

Ariana Grande, who filed for divorce from Dalton Gomez on Sept. 18, referenced her withstanding prenuptial agreement in her legal paperwork.

What Ariana Grande Wants From Dalton Gomez Divorce Case

Ariana Grande is listing her divorce requests.

The singer, who filed for divorce from estranged husband Dalton Gomez on Sept. 18, is asking a Los Angeles court to honor their prenuptial agreement, according to the court documents obtained by E! News.

In the filing, Ariana asked for spousal support and property be granted in accordance with her prenup. Moreover, the 30-year-old said she wants “miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects,” as well as earnings and accumulations earned before, during and after her marriage to be confirmed as separate property.

She also requested that attorney’s fees be paid for by both her and Dalton.

Ariana listed her date of separation as Feb. 20, citing irreconcilable differences as grounds for the divorce.

Dalton issued a response the same day Ariana filed for divorce, in which he also listed Feb. 20 as their date of separation. The real estate agent did not request spousal support in his response, instead asking for the court to reserve the issue for future determination.

The filings come after E! News confirmed on July 17 that Ariana and Dalton—who sparked romance rumors in 2020 and wed in 2021—had broken up and were headed toward divorce. On Sept. 18, a source explained to E! News why the couple waited months to officially file the legal paperwork.

“They were taking their time together to slowly work through the details of the agreement privately before filing,” the source shared. “They’ve been really caring and respectful of one another every step of this process. It’s been a very kind and patient uncoupling process.”


The source added, “They have both moved on.”

Indeed, Ariana has entered a new life chapter, which includes a budding romance with Wicked costar Ethan Slater. In April, she reflected on how starring in project had profoundly impacted her life.

“Savoring every millisecond left with my Galinda (although she’ll be with me irrevocably, forever),” Ariana wrote. “To be here in Oz where everyday is a life changing one… to be feeling, learning and growing so much at such a disarming speed… to feel so much love around me.”

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