What did the citizens complain about the most to the ombudsman in the past two years of the pandemic

Zoran Pašalić, as a guest in Belgrade Chronicle , stated that the number of addresses to the Protector of Citizens in pandemic conditions has increased significantly compared to pre-pandemic conditions.

“The number of addresses of citizens increased by 60 percent during the state of emergency and that the intention was to increase the number of addresses to the Protector of Citizens in pandemic conditions significantly compared to pre-pandemic conditions”, states Pašalić.

And that is why, he adds, the institution had to introduce in some way different working hours and a different relationship or reception, contact with citizens in order to solve many problems that have arisen.

As he says, citizens complain that they wait too long for operations, treatment conditions, inadequate doctor’s procedures, property and legal protection, long waiting for pensions, property and economic conditions such as cadastre legalization …

“The biggest problem with getting the first pension is the long wait, which puts our citizens who are entitled to a pension in a very bad situation. This is a vacuum between termination of employment and receiving the first pension. it really puts them in an awkward situation. And then they turn to us and then we solve it in contact with the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, “explains Pašalić.

According to the guest of the Belgrade Chronicle , the pandemic has slowed down a lot, all some regular activities, and that is why citizens ultimately turn to us when dissatisfied with the speed of solving their problems.

Explains that the Protector’s Institution can help citizens in many ways.

“Mostly we address first on specific cases those who need it, those they manage these institutions, we usually solve them then, and in cases when that is impossible, then to higher instances that deal with these types of problems “, states Pašalić.


“We do not have the possibility of coercion. We are practically the only independent one who has constitutional treatment and who does not have the possibility of coercion in the sense of even opening proceedings, filing reports for certain inactions,” the guest said. Belgrade Chronicles .

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