Cosmina Păsărin, at the moment of truth: “I felt an attraction for a person. I blocked that connection! ” The reason?

She felt good energy every time she was invited to a TV set! And, maybe that’s why destiny took her there, on the set. Cosmina Păsărin fitted in perfectly with “Vorbește mondo” and would feel like a grade of 10, even if only for two months. The presenter gave an interview for CANCAN.RO, in which she talks about the experience, short but pleasant, from Pro TV, but also about the life beyond television.

Cosmin Păsărin replaced Lora , gone in other ” he saw “with her project, and quickly framed himself in the chic set where the stars are” unstitched “without mercy. But the time has come to hand over the place to the right holder, Adela Popescu, and now Cosmina is meeting us at the events she will present. It does not rule out a return to television. It does not exclude a lover, but the muse must meet certain strict conditions. It’s not bad for her, either, alone. Cosmina Păsărin has the floor!

Cosmina Păsărin was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere of “The world speaks”, a show she presented

“I can’t work in toxic environments and I don’t want to!”

CANCAN.RO: What did “The world speaks” mean to you? How did you feel there, how do you think you managed?

Cosmina Păsărin: It was a very beautiful experience, although the context was not a happy one. Adela Popescu went through more difficult moments, she was infected with COVID-19, and I was invited to take her place. She is feeling well now and has, of course, returned to the show.

Beyond all these aspects, I can say that I had an intense experience, full of adrenaline, as I like it, an experience from which I learned a lot.

I also had the opportunity to present the show «Speak The world »in July and August and I was glad that I was again chosen to return to the plateau.

CANCAN.RO: Did something surprise you there, did it move you, did it scare you?

Cosmina Păsărin: I was surprised in a very pleasant way the way I was received by the whole team. I was received with many smiles and I was given the support I needed, given that this project is not an easy one at all.

Maybe for some these details don’t matter, but they are extremely important to me. I can’t work in toxic environments and I don’t want to. I charge myself with the good energy of people – I like to work in spaces where there are happy and friendly people – and I am glad that this project gave me everything I needed.

Presenting such a TV show was a real challenge and this aspect motivated me and helped me overcome the emotions and more difficult situations you may encounter in a live show.

Cosmina Păsărin would accept a new “role” in television, but only under certain conditions

“I was fooled, I stole the landscape!”

CANCAN.RO: What will Cosmina Păsărin do from now on?

Cosmina Păsărin: Television I’d like to do it again just in case There will be a project that I really like. I learned how important it is to get involved only in projects that you like and I want to maintain this direction. You live freely when you do what you love.

Otherwise, if the times change a little, I will meet you at various events that I hope I will have the opportunity to present them.

CANCAN.RO: Beloved? If not, when? How should it be? Did someone pass by you and you said “that’s how I would like it”?

Cosmina Păsărin: I haven’t met a suitable person yet and I’m OK with that. Although I like to be alone, I also like life together. Life in two has a special charm.

But in order to have a healthy relationship, I would like to have a wise man by my side who he knows how to love and he knows how to live in two. Have a good soul and live together in peace. Of course, I wouldn’t mind if he even had a sense of humor. )

It is clear to me that everything is as it should be now and just as it is also clear that the moment will come when I will meet someone. There is a right man for each of us. The road to him may be harder, but that man exists. I know and feel this.

In the past, unfortunately, I stayed and encouraged some toxic connections because I didn’t always know how to make choices and I make the best decisions. I was fooled, I was robbed of the landscape, I stayed longer than I should where I shouldn’t. They were, however, extraordinary lessons for me. Good thing I had them, but I don’t want to go back there and ever live like this again.

Cosmina Păsărin doesn’t have a boyfriend, but she feels very good like that. She says that her chosen one exists and will appear

“I felt a strong attraction for one person, but it wasn’t to be!”

What I know for sure now is that I want my next relationship to be really special and that’s why I don’t even force anything. I’m not in a hurry, I’m not running, I’m not looking. I don’t have the energy to worry, it would be really unhealthy to do that, so I let everything come naturally and take things as they are.

CANCAN.RO: How many men have courted you in recent years? Someone attracted you, but wasn’t it?

Cosmina Păsărin: I will pretend that I did not hear the question… but I can confirm that there was a time when I felt a strong attraction for a person… but it was not to be. Bad timing, who knows… For my mental and emotional health, I blocked that connection and saw my life.

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