What does the Twitch leak tell us about influencer salaries?

After an unprecedented leak, all of Twitch has leaked onto the web. In particular, the platform has leaked the salaries of its biggest influencers.

Yesterday, the Twitch leak on the 4Chan platform undermined Amazon’s platform. In addition to revealing a lot of information about its users, its source code and even a still secret video game platform project, the company has let slip the salaries of its 100 biggest influencers of the moment. Confirmed by Zerator, then by Twitch, we are now wondering what these figures reveal.

Not all twitchers are millionaires

The first thing that jumps out at you when you look at the salaries revealed by the Twitch leak is their disparity. Of the 100 biggest influencers cited, only 25 earned more than $ 1 million per year between August 2019 and October 2021 (which is still nearly 83,000 dollars per month). Of the 9.2 million active streamers on the platform, they would only be a few thousand to earn more than the minimum wage , and barely more than 2000 to earn more than the average French salary.

Obviously, these figures must be placed in their context: all active streamers have not vocation to earn a living thanks to the platform, and the “salaries” paid by Twitch do not take into account any hourly rate. In addition, these payments made by the platform do not include neither donations nor sponsored content , which increase as and when that streamers gain visibility.

Where are the streamers?

Other information that emerges from this Twitch leak: of the 100 highest paid people on the platform, only 3 are women . They are d’Amouranth (48th place), made famous for her bikini and jacuzzi videos, gaming streamer Pokimane (39th place), and musician Sintica (71st place). Far from the $ 9 million earned in two years by CriticalRole, the three streamers recorded between $ 1 and $ 1.3 million over the same period. In addition to representing only 3% of the highest paid influencers on the Twitch platform, streamers also suffer from a fairly low position in the rankings.

This significant disparity between the streamers of the platform will perhaps push Twitch to act, at a time when all the data of the social network has been revealed.

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