What excitement: they are the advancers of the first selection of Song 2022

The first screening program of DAL 2022 on Duna Television has started! This year, 40 young performers will compete, and in addition to the votes of the professional jury of nationally known members – Kati Wolf, Misi Mező, György Ferenczi and Péter Egri – the audience’s voice will once again count in the spectacular show

Based on the votes of the jury, from the first show:

  • Ruby Harlem and Roy
  • Sándor Szofi
  • Majoros Csenge
  • Pankastic!

They were joined by the votes of the audience Ya Ou

The final winner of Song 2022 “ Song of the Year 2022 ”, also the Petőfi Music Award„ Song of the Year 2022 ”Is recognized, and it also receives ten million forints for the development of its production, and it can also make a ten-part record and a video clip for one of the recordings. Each performer of the eight finalists will be rewarded with a prize for their musical career. The prize for the best lyrics and the main prize of the Acoustic Song Contest will be awarded again this year.

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