What is the 1st place in the “Autumn Media Works / Attention Ranking” selected by manga lovers and reading lovers?

BookLive (Minato-ku, Tokyo), which operates a comprehensive e-book store, announced the “Ranking of attention to media works in the fall of 2021” for its members. As a result, the 1st place was “Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Tokyo Metropolitan College of Magic”.

Top 10 media-based works in the fall of 2021 (from the release below)

“Jujutsu Kaisen” is a work that became popular after the anime broadcast in October 2008. The day before the same work, “Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Tokyo Metropolitan College of Arts and Sciences”, commonly known as “Volume 0”, will be made into a video and will be released in December this year. Members commented, “Because it’s the day before the Jujutsu Kaisen, I can recommend it to people who don’t know the original story.”

Autumn media attention 1st place “Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Tokyo Metropolitan College of Magic” (© Gege Akutami / Shueisha)

2nd place Was popular in the drama starring actors Hidetoshi Nishijima and Seiyo Uchino, “What Did You Eat Yesterday?” “was. In November, the movie version “What Did You Eat Yesterday?” Will be released, and two people will star in the same way as the drama. From the members, “I’m so happy to see Shiro and Kenji again!” “Homosexuality and problems with modern families come up, but since food is the axis, it doesn’t become too heavy and I think about myself. “A work that can be made to work” was received.

Autumn media attention second place

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