WhatsApp chats of Aryan Khan shows international drug trafficking says NCB

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Mumbai, Oct 05: The Narcotics Control Bureau in its application while seeking custody of Aryan Khan said that it has found incriminating and shocking material on his phone.

The NCB said that shocking material had been found on the phones of Khan, Arbaaz Merchant and Munmum Dhamecha. It was claimed that Khan discussed modes of payments for the procurement of drugs and several code names had been used.

WhatsApp chats of Aryan Khan shows international drug trafficking says NCB

“Raids are going on now. Shocking and incriminating material recovered in WhatsApp chats of the accused shows international drug trafficking,” the NCB said.

“All the accused persons have to be confronted with each other. The international transactions need to be investigated,” the additional solicitor general, Anil Singh told the court.

He said that the sections that the accused persons have been booked under are all bailable. However the court must take into consideration the purpose of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act which is to remove the drug menace from society.

“One cannot say that just because he or she is found with a small quantity, they are entitled to bail. Consuming drugs has nowadays become very common with even college-going kids consuming them.

The accused here are high profile persons who are considered as role models by regular persons,” the NCB added.

Story first published: Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 12:31

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