When does the UAS propose to return to PRESENTIAL classes in Sinaloa?

Sinaloa.- This Friday the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS) defined a possible date for the return to face-to-face classes at all levels under a Comprehensive Action Plan in each school, faculty and academic extension that includes all health protocols for the Covid-19 pandemic.

The UAS reported in a statement that the tentative date is next October 18 . The Rector of the UAS, Dr. Jesús Madueña Molina met with directors, administrative and academic secretaries, those in charge of school control and coordinators of school extensions from all over the state to publicize this information and specify that the October 7 must already have the Action Plan in each academic unit according to their enrollment conditions, educational programs, spaces, among other aspects.

The rector of the UAS reiterated that it would be in this month of October when the young people return to the classrooms of the maximum house of studies in different terms since not all the faculties have the same conditions of healthy distance.

“The proposal is in large schools to divide the 50 percent that can go Monday and Wednesday and the other 50 percent would be Tuesday and Thursday and on Friday attention to lagging students.”

Read more: When does Sinaloa estimate to start vaccinating against Covid -19 to minors from 12 to 17 years old?

Madueña Molina stated that the schools are ready to return to classes because it was previously announced that they invested more than 100 million pesos for their rehabilitation as well as furniture for classes and laboratories.

They even have the luxury of checking passengers well! They register a new assault on public transport in Naulcalpan, State of Mexico

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