Which manager has won the most Premier League games?

At present, the likes of Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp and Mikel Arteta are dominating the Premier League.

But how do the current crop of managers rank when it comes to the most games won in the division?

At the time of writing, Pep Guardiola has 187 Premier League wins to his name, Jurgen Klopp has 177 and Mikel Arteta has 69 (nice).

As a result, none of said trio currently make it into the top-five managers with most Premier League wins. So who does?

5: Jose Mourinho (217)

Whether you love him or hate him, Jose Mourinho is an all-time Premier League great.

The Portuguese has won three Premier League titles during his time in England – all with Chelsea.

His 2004/05 Chelsea side also hold the record for the fewest goals conceded in a single campaign with 15 – a record that is unlikely to be beaten in the future.

4: Harry Redknapp (236)

Harry Redknapp managed six different Premier League sides during his time in the dugout.

Redknapp’s first managerial job in the Premier League came at West Ham. He took over in 1994 and established the Hammers as a Premier League side, bringing through players such Rio Ferdinand, Michael Carrick, Joe Cole, and Frank Lampard.

His most successful stint, though, came with Tottenham, guiding the Lilywhites to 4th place in 2009/10, which was, at the time, their most successful Premier League campaign.

3: David Moyes (250)

Still currently active in the Premier League with West Ham, Moyes’ win record is expected to continue improving in the months ahead, though he will almost certainly never catch second place.

Moyes has managed three Premier League teams in his career, with his best spell coming at Everton.

The Scotsman finished 5th with the Toffees in back-to-back campaigns between 2007 and 2009. He also guided the Merseysiders to 4th place in 2004/05

2: Arsene Wenger (476)

Arsene Wenger spent his entire time in the Premier League managing Arsenal.

During his time in north London the Frenchman won the league three times, a tally some argue he should have improved upon.

Regardless, Wenger’s Arsenal team of 2003/04 became the first and remain the only side to go a full PL season without losing a single game. Their 90-point total that campaign also remains Arsenal’s highest points tally in the history of the competition for the time being.

1: Sir Alex Ferguson (528)

One of the reasons Wenger did not win as many league titles as some argue he should have was because he spent much of his career battling with Sir Alex Ferguson.

The Scotsman won the Premier League a staggering 13 times with Manchester United, another record that is unlikely to be ever broken.

Who has kept the most clean sheets in a single Premier League season?

Which club has Lionel Messi scored the most goals against?

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