Modern: The booster raises the levels of antibodies against the omicron tens of times

Modern Company announced yesterday (Monday) in a special announcement to investors and shareholders that its booster dose is FDA approved at a dose of 5 mg (ofg of mRNA-1273 50) The double dose (bog booster 100) also significantly increases the level of antibodies in the recipient of the vaccine, which can protect against infection with the Omicron variant, which is spreading rapidly around the world. Modern’s announcement states that it tested two doses of the booster dose in the lab, one of 50 micrograms – approved for use – and it raised the antibody level 37 times, and the other of 100 micrograms raised the antibody level 83 times. However the higher dose caused except More side effects – and at the same time the two doses caused side effects similar to those observed even after receiving the first two doses.

The company’s chief scientist Dr. Paul Burton, Told the American media that the booster is “very effective and completely safe”. He added that in his estimation the third dose is expected to provide protection for humans as early as next winter, “where we will see the effect of the omicron”.

However, it should be noted that laboratory tests do not provide a complete picture The corona. Even if the vaccines do not prevent variant infection, they should provide additional protection from the “killing cells” of the immune system that prevent serious illness, in most infected people.

For mutations seen in the beta and delta variants, a large proportion of which also exist in the omicron. 300-600 participants took part in these studies, and they are still ongoing. However, the company emphasized in its announcement that preliminary data show that the two doses tested greatly increased antibody levels.

The company also announced that it will now invest most of its efforts in producing additional doses of the original vaccine it has developed and is already in use Background of the high adhesion capacity of the omicron. At the same time, she added that she will quickly develop a dedicated and special booster dose for Omicron and she hopes to test it on experimenters in early January.

Pfizer also announced this month that its booster cream significantly increases the level of antibodies against Omicron, unlike some studies So in some places in the world and these have shown that the two vaccine doses do not provide adequate protection against infection with the new variant, while some other studies have indicated that the vaccine protects against serious illness, hospitalization and death.

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