WHO against using terms such as deltacron or fluron in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

Deltacron, discovered last week in Cyprus and described as a hybrid between delta and omicron, is “a probable contamination during sequencing” in the laboratory, and not a new variant of the coronavirus.

This was stated, in a categorical way in a tweet, the epidemiologist in charge of the pandemic management at the World Health Organization (WHO), Maria Van Kerkhove.

However, when At the bottom of his message, a substantial debate has been unleashed between supporters of the note and defenders of the supposed existence of this new variant, including some experts.

In addition, he urged not to use the term “deltacron” , as well as «flurone» to refer to a simultaneous infection of influenza and coronavirus, the first case of which was reported last December in Israel.

«These words imply the combination of viruses or variants and this does not is happening, “he said.

For her part, Krutika Kuppalli, another specialist in infectious diseases from the to WHO, he argued that “there is no deltacron, just as there is no fluron.” ‘Omicron and delta did not form a supervariant.

This is supposedly the result of sequencing (laboratory contamination of omicron fragments in a delta specimen) », he explained.

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