Who Wins the Massive Squid Game: The Challenge Cash Prize?

preview for Squid Game: The Challenge | Official Teaser | Netflix

This story contains spoilers for Squid Game: The Challenge.

The dystopian South Korean drama Squid Game is now a reality. On November 22, Netflix debuted Squid Game: The Challenge, a bizarre reality competition show where real contestants can play the games from the popular series. It’s an uncanny experience where contestants fake their own deaths upon elimination—and openly cheer for a big piggybank of cash. The allegory of Hwang Dong-hyuk’s work may be lost, but the spinoff still captured audience’s attention this holiday season.

According to Deadline, the premiere drew in 1.1 million households this past weekend. Players live in a massive room full of bunk beds, are cut off from the outside world, and compete in games straight from Squid Game. The prize fund will also stand at $4.56 million by the end of the competition—making it the largest cash prize in reality TV history. Over the course of nine emotional episodes, the playing field of 456 competitors shrunk to just three finalists.

So, who will win? The final three players remaining in the competition are Mai (Player 287), Phill (451), and Sam (016). All three players survived the marbles game, the glass bridge, and a never-before-seen game of deception. Viewers may be shocked to see the names above—and not recognize the three remaining players as favorites from the early game. But you just never know with Squid Game.

Mai (287), the 55-year-old immigration adjudicator, has received the most screen time in the second drop of episodes. She’s a very cunning player, a grandmother, and a strong woman who left a war-torn Vietnam when she was just eight years old. She also has experience in the Navy and is the clear front-runner moving forward.

squid game the challenge

The nine remaining players, right before Circle of Trust drops them down to the final three hopefuls.

Pete Dadds//Netflix

Phill (451), the 27-year-old scuba instructor from Hawaii, had a late-stage surge as well. He correctly guessed twice in the new Circle of Trust game, eliminating two players. He studied psychology in college and is also a quadball gold medalist (!), according to Netflix.

Phill is also close with Sam (016), the last of the remaining trio. He’s a 37-year-old artist from Florida, and someone who has flown under the radar for a majority of the competition. Even in tough late-series games such as Circle of Trust, he never even had to guess a guilty culprit to stay alive. Whether it’s luck or good strategy, we’ll have to wait one more week to find out.

The winner will be revealed on December 6, when Netflix drops the final heart-pounding episode. Hopefully, the contestants won’t have to see the violent side of Squid Game‘s true ending. However it goes down, the winner will walk away with a $4.56 million cash prize. In the meantime, a deceptively fancy dinner awaits our final three players.

Headshot of Josh Rosenberg

Josh Rosenberg

Assistant Editor

Josh Rosenberg is an Assistant Editor at Esquire, keeping a steady diet of one movie a day. His past work can be found at Spin, CBR, and on his personal blog at Roseandblog.com.

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