Why Fans and Enemies Now Call Me C. Ronaldo Of Nollywood – Yul Edochie

“If you can't afford expensive hair this season, wash your hair well & weave it all back

Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has revealed a new nickname bestowed upon him by his fans: the “C. Ronaldo of Nollywood.”

Taking to Instagram, the actor shared that this title emerged after audiences watched his latest film, with fans drawing parallels between his exceptional talent and that of football legend Cristiano Ronaldo.

Yul expressed his gratitude for the recognition, saying he feels honored by the comparison. He remarked that the title reflects his fans’ appreciation of his craft and their belief in his standing as one of the greatest in the industry.

The actor’s post has since sparked discussions, with fans and colleagues alike celebrating his contribution to Nollywood.

In his words…

“I just heard the viewers have given me a new name after watching the movie THE MESSIAH. They now call me the C Ronaldo of Nollywood. Means Nollywood greatest.

Thank you to you all. I’m honored.

Well deserved.”

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