Why NCB wants to get Aryan Khan face to face with the other accused

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Mumbai, Oct 05: Following the arrest of Aryan Khan, the Narcotics Control Bureau would confront the accused persons with each other seeking more information. The NCB claimed that they needed Khan for further questioning as there was incriminating material found in his chats.

Why NCB wants to get Aryan Khan face to face with the other accused

The NCB is trying to get information about the source of the drugs. In this regard brining the accused face to face for questioning is important for the investigation. Khan has however denied any wrong-doing.

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The NCB told the court on Monday that the prima facie investigation reveals that there is incriminating material in the form of WhatsApp chats which clearly shows the nexus of these respondents with the suppliers and drug peddlers on a regular basis.

The NCB said that on the basis of intelligence information it conducted another raid operation and here it is imperative for a through investigation that these persons are confronted with each other.

The above incriminating coupled with the leads in the investigation given by these respondents in their voluntary statements needs to be verified and corroborated. All this in the wake of the ongoing investigation, the link has to be verified and corroborated, the NCB’s application also read.

Story first published: Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 10:45

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