Why The Rich Don’t Like To Marry The Poor — TV Host, Miz Vick

Miz Vick said in a video that you will never know the true character of a person when they have nothing, thus when they are a bit financially endowed or have some money power then you know who they really are.

According to her, rich people want to be with each other because they see themselves as equal and know they can both offer the same thing.

She advised that you stay within your circle and let your circle be like-minded people. Her commentary has sparked mixed reactions on Instagram with many opposing it.

Watch the video below;

See reactions below;

misshils wrote; “Well, she has a point cos I have seen money change people. Ps: I am not rich yet”

mrendowed747 wrote; “So why do the still divorce if this is true !?? OMo find what works for you and do u shikena”

adeolaadesun wrote; “Madam, speak for yourself and fellow women. Women naturally want to marry “up”no matter how rich they are, but men especially wealthy men don’t mind marrying down as long as she gives him respect, love and peace of mind. Women and hypergamy.”

wp28n wrote; “Madam, speak for yourself and fellow women. Women naturally want to marry “up”no matter how rich they are, but men especially wealthy men don’t mind marrying down as long as she gives him respect, love and peace of mind. Women and hypergamy.”

Source: Ghgossip.com

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