Willian expresses his desire to return to the national team through Corinthians and talks about the challenge found in the CT

Exactly one month after being announced as a Corinthians reinforcement, Willian is still on the rise with the fans and the press. Timão’s shirt number 10 revealed some more goals he has with the Parque São Jorge club, with the Brazilian team and even about a “new” found at CT Joaquim Grava in these first 30 days.

Title against América-MG and in the last game, against Palmeiras, Willian has not yet managed to complete an entire match, but he already had satisfactory numbers even in his re-debut. The player himself said, in an interview with the program Os Donos da Bola, from the Band , who wants to do well for Corinthians in order to return to the national team.

“Without a doubt, it is a goal I have, to be able to return to the national team and, consequently, play in this next Cup. it can be closer, of course it will depend on my performance as well. But my first objective is to be good with Corinthians, win, win titles. “, Willian said.

When he arrived at the club, the player did some training at the CT, but needed to complete two days of quarantine, determined by Anvisa, before actually being included in the team’s work routine. Unlike what he was used to in England, Willian found a “newness” in the sun to adapt to.

“One thing I was not used to was training in the sun. Lots of sun, there are days in CT that stay very hot. I was more used to training with that little rain”, reported the shirt 10.

See more at: Willian.

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