Winners of the (Pra) chair competition from Canada, India and the Philippines

New ideas in woodworking

DS, Barbara Renčof, TV Slovenia October 6, 2021 at 20:42

Kočevje – MMC RTV SLO, Television Slovenia

The ninth Wood Festival has already started in Kočevje, where new ideas from the field of woodworking and the establishment of a forest-wood chain are presented every year. The festival also includes an international (Pra) chair competition, which attracts designers from all over the world.

DS, Barbara Renčof, TV Slovenia

October 6, 2021 at 8:42 p.m. Kočevje – MMC RTV SLO, Television Slovenia

Eden izmed treh nagrajenih stolov natečaja (Pra)stol), na katerem so iskali funkcionalen, sodoben lesen kos. Foto: TV SLO, zajem zaslona ) One of the three winners chairs of the competition (Pra) chair, on which they were looking for a functional, modern piece of wood. Photo: TV SLO, screen capture

In the workshop of the Business Incubator in Kočevje, the production of three award-winning Proto-chairs is being completed. As many as 72 designers from 29 countries applied for the international competition of the wood festival. “The winners are as follows: the first is from India, the second from Canada and the third from the Philippines,” was revealed by Meta Kamšek, coordinator of the Wood Festival.

An original creative toy according to the plans of our industrial designer Niko Kralj will soon be on the market. Photo: TV SLO, screen capture

In Kočevje, they have been establishing their own forest wood chain for several years. They founded their own company, Kočevski les, which manages municipal forests. Up to 17,000 cubic meters of wood are cut down annually. They want to do something more with it. “To add value to this wood by placing it in the local environment for wood processing, and basically to avoid selling logs abroad, “ said Aleš Marolt, director of Kočevski les. “However, by everyone profiting, people would make better quality products from domestic wood and they would succeed later. sell, “ said Meta Kamšek.

From words have already come to action. They will soon launch their first product on the market. According to the plans of industrial designer Nik Kralj, Konstrukto developed modular wooden toys. “Wood seems to me the most self-evident in this space, it is certainly a raw material of the past, present and future. Wooden gold, I would say “ ) said architect Mateja Dekleva.

They are also planning to establish a design consortium LES GO and a team that will market domestic original wooden products.

Eden izmed treh nagrajenih stolov natečaja (Pra)stol), na katerem so iskali funkcionalen, sodoben lesen kos. Foto: TV SLO, zajem zaslona New ideas in the field of woodworking

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