Winter 2021 is here: Astronomy also determines

On the occasion of the day of the reversal of winter starting today, explains Dr. Nadia Goldowski – in charge of time and frequency measurements In the National Physics Laboratory at the Ministry of Economy and Industry how to calculate exactly when the moment of inversion falls

The first day of winter (winter inversion or The inversion (December) is when the sun is at its southernmost position directly above the Capricorn circle.

For zero line longitude – Greenwich Winter will start earlier than countries located east of this line. Astronomical and Meteorological Winter

Winter The astronomical is determined by the changing position of the earth in relation to the sun which gives us the days of inversion and equality. The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis by 23.5 degrees. Tilted towards the sun in June and away from it cloth Zember.

When the sun is above the equator the equinoxes are formed and when the sun is above the cancer circle in its northernmost position the summer inversion is obtained and vice versa when the sun is above the southernmost position In the Gadi Group, a winter reversal is created.

Summer – June 20-22 and finally Autumn Equinox – September 21-23. The United States, most of North America, Europe, and many countries in the Northern Hemisphere use the astronomical winter definition to determine when the winter season officially begins and ends.

The meteorological winter is determined by the annual temperature cycles and the calendar. The meteorological winter begins on December 1 in the Northern Hemisphere and lasts for 3 months (December, January and February) with the spring season (March, April and May) and the summer season (June, July and August) and finally the autumn season (September, October and November). Australia and New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere use the meteorological winter so that in June, July and August to determine their winter season.

However the exact definition of the concept of winter season varies From country to country depending on its specific climate. It now appears that it will also change depending on the effects of the climate crisis. Although the earth will not move farther or closer to the sun, it will become warmer and warmer. In Israel, for example, it is estimated that the winter will be shorter and that extreme weather events such as the storm Carmel that we are in the middle of will increase .

Tomorrow, December 21st is the shortest day of the year. On this day the day is the darkest, meaning the hours of darkness are longer than the hours of the day. On this day, the winter season in the northern hemisphere begins. On this day the sun is also the lowest in the year. In the southern hemisphere, the exact opposite happens and from this day onwards the day is the longest and the days will get shorter and shorter.

On the shortest day of the year on December 21st In 10 hours and 3 minutes, and on the longest day of the year on June 21, the length of daylight hours is 14 hours and 14 minutes.

The “shortest day of the year” is so named because it has fewer light hours, the day is the shortest and the night is the longest of the year.

What are the days of the inversion

Dr. Nadia Goldowski In charge of time and frequency measurements in the National Physics Laboratory in the office Economics and Industry , explains:

איור 1. תנועת כדור הארץ סביב השמש. באדיבות ד
Figure 1. The movement of the earth around the sun. Courtesy of Dr. Nadia Goldowski, in charge of time and frequency measurements at the National Physics Laboratory of the Ministry of Economy and Industry

Today we know that the earth revolves around the sun, and around itself on a fixed axis – So the North Pole always faces the North Star, which is external to the solar system. Therefore, in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, on one side of it, its northern hemisphere tends toward the sun (Figs. 1 and 2) and therefore receives direct radiation, which heats it up greatly. These are summer days in the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast, further down its orbit around the sun, on its other side the northern hemisphere tends in the opposite direction from the sun, and therefore gains lower radiation intensity. These are the winter days in the northern hemisphere. The inclination of the earth also affects the length of time in a day when there is light, so the days in summer are longer and in winter shorter.

The length of the day does not change, since We lose or gain (in winter or summer respectively) is hours of sunlight. In winter we get the least amount of sunlight a year on this day. 23.5 degrees or so compared to the plane surrounding the sun (see Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 2. The state of the earth relative to the sun on the two days of the inversion. Courtesy of Dr. Nadia Goldowski, Head of Time and Frequency Measurements at the National Physics Laboratory of the Ministry of Economy and Industry () In the two days of the inversion can be seen in Figure 2. In December the northern hemisphere receives smaller hours of light, and also at a lower angle of the sun, hence the peak of winter, and vice versa in the southern hemisphere. In June the situation is reversed.

According to the astronomical division into seasons, each season begins and ends exactly on the day on which a turning point or equality occurs. The equation points are the beginning of the “transition” seasons – spring and autumn. At the beginning of the month in which there is one of the two reversal points or one of the two equilibrium points. ) To better understand the subject below are graphs of day and night lengths in Tel Aviv and Stockholm.

() Level 1. Length of the day (from sunrise to sunset) in Tel Aviv compared to Stock appropriate. Courtesy of Dr. Nadia Goldowski, Supervisor of Time and Frequency Measurements at the National Physics Laboratory of the Ministry of Economy and Industry איור 2.  מצב כדור הארץ יחסית לשמש בשני ימי ההיפוך. באדיבות ד

Graph 1. Length of day (From sunrise to sunset) in Tel Aviv compared to Stockholm.

Graph 2. Sunrise and sunset times in Tel Aviv compared to Stockholm (without correction for daylight saving time). איור 2.  מצב כדור הארץ יחסית לשמש בשני ימי ההיפוך. באדיבות דגרף 2.  זמני הזריחה והשקיעה בתל אביב לעומת סטוקהולם (ללא תיקון לשעון קיץ).

It can be seen from the graphs that the shortest day length is December 21 and it is 10 hours in Tel Aviv and only 6 hours in Stockholm.The longest day length is June 21 and it is over 14 hours in Tel Aviv and over 16 light hours In the equinoxes on March 21 and September 21, the length of the day is 12 hours in both Tel Aviv and Stockholm.

.In contrast, in the equals of the two cities have the same times of sunrise and sunset.

R Or an interview with Dr. Nadia Goldowski about the use of atomic clocks in the laboratory she heads.

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