Woman who drowned at Cork beach after trying to save son to be buried in Poland

A mother of two who died after she went in to the sea in east Cork in a bid to save her son who was experiencing difficulties is to be buried in her native Poland in the coming days.

A funeral service for Joanna Wisniowśka took place at St Colman’s Church in Cloyne, Co Cork, on Friday night. Ms Wisniowśka was pronounced dead at Cork University Hospital last Sunday afternoon.

She had gone in to the water at Ballycroneen Beach earlier that day as her 10-year-old son was experiencing difficulties.

The boy avoided serious injury as he managed to make his way on to the rocks on the shore.

Ms Wisniowśka is survived by her husband Maciek, her children Stanley and Zosia, her parents Alicia and Tadeus, her sister Magdalenia and brother in law Piotor. She will be laid to rest in her hometown of Strzyzow.

Meanwhile, a Go Fund me page set up to assist her family has raised in excess of €33,000.

Louise Van Balderen, who is a friend of Ms Wisniowśka’s, set up the page following the tragedy.

[[ Tributes paid to mother who died off Cork coast trying to rescue son]

Ms Van Balderen previously told The Opinion Line, on Cork’s 96FM, that Ms Wisniowśka “lived for her children”.

“I couldn’t tell you of a better mum,” Ms Van Balderen said.

“She was such a kind and warm person. Nobody could ever fault her. It is so sad that this has happened to such a beautiful family.

“At this point in time it is just everyone rallying around together to support them (the family). And try in any way possible to help them.

“For her husband it is such a difficult time. He is trying. He is broken. Joanna was his life. But we have such a lovely community here. We have so much support.”

Ms Wisniowśka was a certified massage therapist who worked in the spa at the Castlemartyr Resort in east Cork.

Management at the spa say that Joanna was a “valued member” of their team and a “cherished colleague’ to all at the resort. The family have lived in Cloyne, Co Cork for several years.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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