Women, ready to conquer power

By reason of legal, democratic and justice principles, women, having the same capacity and competitive level as men, should have access to the same rights. The gender of who occupies a position must be indistinct.

It is not valid in this 21st century, that there are divisions in institutions between genders, such as a section women, the Secretariat for Women and others, except in the case of health and protection matters.

Gender parity was a consequence of the dawn of their struggle. But to be a woman, as Simone de Beauvoir said, you have to become one. It is about achieving autonomy and breaking stereotypes, dissolving in the past the weight of patriarchy that plunged women into darkness for centuries, until some began to understand that they were not born to be automatons but autonomous.

But to wage the conquest for her rights, the woman, in the first place, concluded that she had the power to reach him by merit and not by graceful gift or condescension. That someone can be offered power does not guarantee that they will remain in it with good results.

A long but consistent path found it in the study, the preparation, the to alternate and read a lot, mastering the language and the ability to communicate among equals. Reflection and vision of the future. Honesty and persistence without waiting for favors.

The claim of their political and labor rights: to vote and be voted, to demand the same salary as the man to the same task.

In addition to confirming their rights, having a high concept of their integrity and respect, to avoid becoming an object at the mercy of an immoral boss.

Wisdom, experience, knowledge, intuition and strengths is what makes women achieve their autonomy.

The woman who frees herself from subjugation and develops wisdom is ready to come to power, both politically and in business and social life, capable of being evaluated with the same tools and, above all, that she be recognized with greater capacity to work as a team, in honesty and development.

The woman understands that, living in a democratic country, it is the opportunity to achieve autonomy and show why she enjoys greater confidence than man. _

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