Wordle #491 Answer, Clues and Hints for Sunday, October 23 Puzzle

Wordle has become a global phenomenon since New York-based creator Josh Wardle released the game to the public last year.

The game’s simplicity could be a driver behind its success where players use a color-coded system in order to work out the day’s answer within six or fewer guesses.

The rules of Wordle are simple, a green tile means the letter chosen is correct and in the right place, a yellow one means the letter is right but in the wrong place while a gray square indicates that the letter is not in the word at all.

Players use these clues in order to solve the five-letter word within the allotted number of tries.

Woman playing Wordle
A friend of the photographer plays “Wordle” on January 12, 2022 in New York City. The game has millions of players around the world. Getty

Previously speaking to Newsweek, Wardle said he first created the game as something for him and his partner to do during the coronavirus lockdown.

Wardle, who is originally from the U.K., said: “When I designed the game, it was for me and my partner to enjoy, so I made sure that all of the entries were randomized. In other words, I don’t actually know what tomorrow’s word is going to be, which means that I can take part like everybody else.”

Within a few months, Wordle went from having a small player base to millions of users worldwide.

Its success led The New York Times to step in to buy the game for an undisclosed seven-figure sum. It remains free to play through its website.

Wordle’s success has inspired other online puzzles including the geography-themed Worldle and math-based Nerdle.

The answer to today’s puzzle will be revealed at the end of the article, so scroll down carefully if you do not want to learn what it is just yet.

‘Wordle’ #491 Tips and Clues for Sunday, October 23

Hint #1: The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle is a noun.

Hint #2: Today’s answer has three repeating letters.

Hint #3: The answer begins with the letter ‘M.’

Hint #4: Today’s answer can be associated with Halloween.

Hint #5: Merriam-Webster defines the word as “a body embalmed or treated for burial with preservatives in the manner of the ancient Egyptians.”

‘Wordle #491 Answer for Sunday, October 23

The answer to today’s Wordle is “Mummy.”

What a spooky answer to today’s Wordle puzzle, but hopefully it will get some players in the Halloween spirit.

The next Wordle puzzle will be available at 7 p.m. ET when the daily update occurs.

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