Wow! Slim Adele enthusiastically on the cover of Vogue!

Wow! Erschlankte Adele begeistert auf dem Cover der Vogue! Steven Meisel for British VOGUE Zur Bildergalerie

8th. Oct. 2021, 6:00 – Elena R.

Adele Adkins (33) amazes her fans! Over the past few years, the singer has lost some weight – the “Someone Like You” interpreter is said to be 50 kilos lighter and instead has gained a new attitude towards life . The whole world should now see how comfortable the musician feels in her skin: Adele can be admired on the cover of British and American Vogue!

The 33-year-old star is the November issue of Vogue. With flowing The artist adorns the title page of the British edition with her hair and impressive cleavage. The artist directs her gaze directly into the camera. On the cover of the US version, however, is Adele in a green dress and her hair tied tightly and looking into the distance.

The fans of the British get but not only to see something, but soon also to hear something again . For six years the vocal power had not produced any new music. October, however, her new single “Easy On Me” will finally be released.

Adele Adkins, Sängerin

Instagram / adele

Adele Adkins, singer

Adele auf dem Cover der Vogue

Alasdair McLellan for VOGUE

Adele on the cover of Vogue

Adele Adkins, Musikerin

Getty Images

Adele Adkins, musician

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