Xiaomi surprises us: update guarantee also for cheap smartphones?

Xiaomi Smartphone Head
Photo: N.Tho.Duc, Unsplash

Xiaomi introduced the 11T series in Europe in September and thus finally an update guarantee. But there was a problem, because this guarantee has so far only been provided for two smartphones and not yet for other new devices. At least that was the current state of affairs for the “global market”. There is now better and very surprising news from Xiaomi India.

Xiaomi revises its update guarantee after two weeks

The 11 Lite 5G NE has now also been presented there, which has also been available from us for weeks. In India, however, the smartphone in question comes with a three-year guarantee for new Android versions. Security updates are guaranteed for four years. Actually, this guarantee should also apply to the German or global model, because the hardware is the same.

We go the extra mile with our latest # Xiaomi11LiteNE5G to ensure our audience experience the best software in the segment.

The # SuperLite5GLoaded provides 3 years of Android Update & 4 years of Security Updates!
🔁 ​​to spread the word pic.twitter.com/iNPLDrrLW3

– Xiaomi India – #DiwaliWithMi (@XiaomiIndia) September 29, 2021

India deviates from the “Global Launch”, but why?

As already mentioned, Xiaomi has so far not announced the new update guarantee for any other smartphones apart from the 11T models. But maybe more will come soon, at least we hope. At that time, Xiaomi only spoke of the need to check which other devices should receive the aforementioned update guarantee.

Of course, there is now great hope that the manufacturer will also think of devices below the 500 euro limit. After all, Xiaomi most smartphones are available in this price range. For the middle class between 250 and 500 euros, I slowly consider a guarantee to be indispensable, but except for Samsung all other Android brands are rather hesitant.

Would a guarantee for new Android versions be important to you in the future or is that going to happen to you on A…. past?

Founder and acting boss of SmartDroid.de, blogs here and only here since 2008. All inquiries to me, in the comments or via the linked networks.

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